If you are a gamer who wants to increase your health level, you may have to change the way you do things. It’s not just about what you eat, it’s about how. These 4 eating tips for gamers should help. And if you act now, you get a bonus tip while supplies last.

Oh my gamer friends how far we have come! Hours upon hours do we game only to ignore nourishment, and feed only when we spare a minute, if our bodies are lucky. The weird thing here is that we will feed our in-game characters like kings and queens of health, yet ignore our duties to our own temples.

Well, let’s change that. Our bodies are far more important than our in-game avatars.

There is an endless supply of healthy eating advice for people to read and follow out there. There are articles, blog posts, and medical journals anywhere you look. Many are great, too. But as a gamer, we need something a little more specific to tailor to our needs. Tips that can not only interest us but also be usable while gaming.

Eat like crap raise your hand

Many gamers, as you know, sit a lot and many of us eat like crap (hold your hand up if this is you, ok don’t really). The last thing we ever want to do is interrupt a gaming session just to eat. And health? Well, health is great, if it happens. Otherwise, just give us the food and let us get back to our game.

Is this really ok? Why jeopardize our own health because of video games? I guess this is up to you but assuming you are not deep down a masochist, I think you should consider taking care of your health WHILE gaming. And while you are at it, take care of your health outside of gaming, too.

With that said, how can any eating tip be the “healthiest” for gamers? As is everything, this is only my opinion based on my own experiences and personal biases. So, you can agree or disagree, but understand that when I say healthiest, I am talking maximum level of a game health; level 99. None of this midpoint stuff. 

Many of us can do light exercise and eat well enough and still maintain “ok” health and weight. But “ok” isn’t good enough, especially as you age. These tips are for those wanting to jump up to the big leagues. And they work.

I thinned the list to a big 4 with a bonus +1, and many “little” tips throughout. So take them, try them, spit at them, do whatever you want. But here on Mind, Body, GAMING!, these 5 eating tips are here to change the way you eat.

Eating tips for gamers: 5 healthiest list.

Eating Tips for Gamers #1: Eat Full Meals Instead of Snacking

The first eating tip is for us gamers to eat full meals. The importance of a snack goes WAY down once you do this. Full meals constitute more than a snack, a complete set of food to be eaten in one sitting, or gaming session, or standing, if that’s your thing.

The idea is simple: eat a full meal, to the point of satiation, not a lot of small meals, and don’t snack in between.

Eating tips for gamers 1: eat full meals

But snacks are fun!

They are also unnecessary. We are not starving and an entire industry profits by making us think we need to snack. And who doesn’t like to eat? That wanting to snack is especially high during a long game session. This is one of the most difficult eating tips for gamers for a reason.

Don’t get me wrong, many people need higher calorie diets due to issues like being a growing kid or teenager, and they should snack away if so. The same goes for those with medical problems that require snacking.

But the bulk of humanity, especially human adults, should consider training their bodies and minds in full meal eating and stay away from snacking and small meals. Especially those interested in weight maintenance.

Why? Because if you are nutritionally solid, you simply don’t need extra calories. Extra calories easily become adipose cells, a.k.a. fat cells. As a gamer, we help this process due to our sitting so much! Sucks for us.

Yes, many people successfully manage eating the many small meals and snacks throughout the day diet and are very healthy. They eat healthy, and they eat all the time. Sounds fun, right? The thing is, in order to maintain that sort of lifestyle requires a lot of time and food.

Always preparing or having pre-made healthy snacks available and eating them often might work for some people. But it isn’t one of my eating tips for gamers for a reason. Let’s go further on this.

The problem with small meals.

There are many health experts out there promoting the idea that if you eat 6 small meals a day, as opposed to 3 meals, you will be able to maintain weight easier and prevent overeating. But I totally disagree with this due to the simple fact that it gives people too much credit.

cow eating grass
This is how many humans eat…kind of.

One of the biggest issues I have encountered with people and their food in my life is that many simply do not have the discipline to keep small meals as small meals. Counting calories is annoying, and before you know it, your 6 small meals become 6 medium sized meals or more. But there is more.

This is what I personally did not like about the six small meals a day diet (I did it for 3 months):

  • Hungry all the time
  • Too much time spent eating
  • Too much time spent preparing food
  • Can easily cost more

All of this is too much work for me; I have games to play and a blog to write. We are not cows, we do not need to forage and eat continuously for hours every day. Plus, there is little evidence that eating a lot of small meals helps with weight loss.

This WebMD article 6 Meals a Day for Weight Loss mentions two studies supporting this. The author states that “A study from the University of Ottawa found that on a low-calorie diet, there was no weight loss advantage to splitting calories among six meals rather than three.”

It continues with “A second study found that switching from three daily meals to six did not boost calorie-burning or fat loss. In fact, the researchers concluded, eating six meals a day actually made people want to eat more.”

I concur and suggest you do not do this either. Small meals are a snack to me, anyways. Treat them the same.

Be with the feeling of hunger.

When we snack, we usually are just bored or simply feeding our minds. Think about when was the last time you snacked. Did you really need to eat at that moment? Were you that hungry? Probably not. So, training that impulse, again, is priority here.

hungry guy needs to be with the hunger
Don’t ignore the feeling.

Now just telling people to train their minds is absurd, I know, and far past the scope of this article. But it is the key to everything, and reformatting your brain takes time and practice. Here’s what I do:

When you think you are hungry, try to be with that feeling. Do not become that feeling, just be with it. Observe it in your mind, thank it for being there. Give it space to exist, and don’t resist it.

Remember, you are not starving, your mind is just trying to tell you what you are, likely out of habit. You are in control of it, if you choose. It doesn’t make you eat, you choose that, too. Just be with it when it happens.

It, like all things, will pass and you will go on doing what you do, be it gaming or something else, until you decide to eat your next meal.

If you snack, snack healthy.

Snacking can go one of two ways: healthy or unhealthy. When you snack, which do you do? You gotta ask yourself this question to continue. See, another big problem with the need of snacking is the content of the snack.

If you are eating a bag of chips, ANY size, you are not really snacking healthy at all. They don’t fill you up, unless you eat a ton. The nutritional value gained from most chips is almost zero. There are a lot of calories and salt, though. Bonus! If you want to destroy your health over time, keep this up! If you don’t, there are other options.

Replace the chips with something natural, like a fruit, whole, not canned, not dried, and DEFINITELY not candied. Nuts are ok in small quantities, or try some raw veggies and dip, if the dip is solid nutritionally. Most dips, however, are not nutritious either.

Eating tips for gamers banana

Both raw vegetables and fruits, though boring, are a naturally healthy alternative to most snacks that are either low calorie, high nutrient density, or both, and high fiber. You can go the more processed route like an energy bar, too, just be mindful of how healthy your snack is and its purpose. I will always suggest going natural.

Whatever you eat, if it is to fill your need of hunger until your next meal, focus on the fiber.

Why is fiber so important?

According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health website, fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check. Children and adults need at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day for good health, but most Americans get only about 15 grams a day.

So, a healthy dose of fiber is lacking in most people’s diet. I feel we should get upwards towards at least 40 grams of fiber per day. You need it to digest the whole foods as intended, that’s why they come pre-packaged with a good amount. It naturally regulates your blood glucose levels from rising too fast by absorbing the sugars slower.

If you don’t get enough fiber, you are raising many health risks. These include heart disease, diabetes, diverticular disease, breast cancer, and constipation (ouch). And if you snack a lot, and are not getting the fiber required for proper blood sugar levels, you are multiplying your consistent damage to your bodies ability to make insulin.

So, why eat full meals again?

Back on the the first healthy eating tip, eating full meals is the healthiest way to go for most gamers. Anything more will give you extra calories. If you space your meals out, and take care of your needs nutritionally, then what would be the point of adding snacks to that? We simply do not need more.

balloon pixelated

If you fill up a balloon with too much air, it will burst. Our bodies are amazing in that we don’t usually burst. We simply convert the food into unused energy in the form of fat cells. This works out well in a survival sense but since we are not living in a cave (does it have wifi?), we gain weight and over time create such an inflammation throughout our body, we increase risk of disease. Or at least have an unhealthy living experience.

The true goal of every meal should be nutrition and satiation. This is the kicker. But is this a conscious goal of yours? This might be something to change.

You can eat a lot, but not too much.

Now sticking to full meals is important, but good healthy eating requires even more limitation. You can eat a lot, but not too much.

Some of us, including myself, can eat a lot! I don’t know when to stop. Sound familiar? Often times in the past, even with full meals, I ate far too much. I exceeded my caloric needs. And since I had done this so often throughout my life, my brain would think I always needed to eat far too much. Even if I felt horrible afterwards.

Imagine Thanksgiving at any given day and you will understand. It was quite masochistic, and not sustainable if I was going to be healthy. It can be quite the struggle, even for me today.

The point is that most of the time that we think we are hungry, we are not. Even after a good sized plate of food is eaten, another coming right up seems very plausible. But then we are only feeding our minds.

I stress eat, others hide pain through eating, either physical or mental, and some just eat because they are bored. The fact is, I believe we should all look at eating as something to make our lives better, not worse. And eating a lot, though maybe feeling good temporarily, will end up making us feel worse on top of hurting us. With that said, how much should we eat?

How many meals a day?

This depends on the individual. Many experts say three is the golden rule and I agree as a maximum. I personally think that with some practice, two meals or even one is perfect, assuming you are getting your nutrition needs filled. This falls into the intermittent fasting side of things that I will definitely cover in the future.

thumbs up to 3 meals

For now, especially if you are used to snacking, start with three meals, if you can. Like all major changes in lifestyle, adjustments take time and practice. Like that new game you got. You won’t (usually) be good the first time you play. They take work. It’s the same here. In time, you will master, it too.

Food is like a drug. Don’t forget that. There is a dogma in modern society that supports eating at all times. All entertainment is centered around it, and we justify eating through entertainment. Which brings me to the next tip, pay attention!

Eating Tips for Gamers #2: Pay Attention To Your Eating While Eating

Number 2 of the healthy eating tips for gamers is a mind one. Do you think you pay attention to every bite you take? Why not? Does it taste that bad? Don’t fret, we all do it. The funny thing is, when we eat our favorite foods, wouldn’t it make sense that we take the smallest bites possible, chewing them in all their tastiness as slow as we can? What’s the rush? If you love it, take your time! And this applies to any food you eat, really. 

Eating tips for gamers: 2 pay attention to your eating

To start, take small bites and chew slowly. According to this Healthline article, eating slowly helps you eat less by increasing fullness hormones, and it can also decrease calorie intake, due obviously to becoming fuller sooner.

Eating too fast, on the other hand, can help you gain weight, according to the research highlighted. This is likely due to eating more than you need and before you feel full. If you chew slowly, you can be in the moment and with all the flavors.

How to eat mindfully.

To be mindful is to be at peace in all you do, with conscious focus. This applies to eating, as well. If you are gonna do it, you might as well enjoy it too, right?

This is how you do to do that: you must teach yourself to pay attention. Just like earlier when I told you to be with the hunger. You likely already do it here and there when you play games. Now it is time to apply that to real life and eating!

First, get your meal ready. Sit down, and get ready. But first, turn off the T.V.

In order to eat with total attention, you cannot share your attention with T.V., your phone, or any device. Yes, you are allowed company, but to start, keep the devices off and away from you.

Are you sitting in noise? Try to keep it as quiet as possible. It is time to take that first bite. Generally, we fully taste our first bite or two, even when not being mindful of it. Especially if we are feeling pretty hungry. But after those first bites, we don’t think to pay attention.

The habits of life then start filtering through our meal, turning it into mind feeding, looking for the weight of satiation to decide to stop. Suddenly, you have an empty plate, maybe not even remembering eating most of it. Finishing in itself can be satisfying, but you will gain that either way. So, why slow it down?

mindful eating pizza
Be one with the pizza.

What we are doing here is observing the food and its colors and texture, smelling it, tasting each bite, taking our time, and totally enjoying it. Let your senses go wild! Eat slowly, and feel all of the tastes entering your system. It is VERY satisfying. On top of that, the more you chew, the easier you are making it for your own digestive system. Bonus points!

Before you finish, if you notice that you are full, this fine. If you take your time you may not eat as much hint hint. Therefore, just stop eating! It’s ok if there is food remaining. Do you feel more satisfied than your normal meals? I bet you are.

Now, if you take this lesson, and apply it to everything you do in your life and you’ll be floating in lotus mountain gamer heaven in no time. It’s a practice, but practice makes happy. A mindful person is a happy person. Promise.

Eating Tips for Gamers #3: Prepare Food Before Your Gaming Session

#3 of the eating tips for gamers is to prepare. For gamers with little time, or those unwilling to sit down for a relaxing meal, this is a solution for you: prepare your full meal when you do have time. Then you don’t sacrifice health for speed.

Eating tips for gamers 3: prepare food before your gaming session

The usual story is this: you have game time planned with a friend or more, maybe a raid. You have a long practice session that is going to spill over past meal time. Or just anything in-game that is gonna take some time and you don’t want to break to make food. What do you do when you gotta eat?

You get fast food, a snack, maybe a frozen processed dinner, or even just skip the meal entirely. When gamers don’t have time for things like healthy meals due to a gaming session, they will gravitate to the fast and the bad. I get it, I’ve been there.

This ISN’T the best for your health. So, you must prep under these circumstances. Yes, this means making the time BEFORE the session.

Make yourself a meal. Cook it, prepare it, do it like you would if you were making it yourself to begin with. Just, don’t eat it at that time. Fridge it, or cover and leave it out, just make sure it is ready for when you need it.

If you don’t want to cook, then just have your meal ready to go, however you get it. Then, when it’s time, you just heat it up like you would a frozen meal, only you get a much BETTER meal, assuming you know how to eat healthy.

If you REALLY want to save some time, make multiple meals at a time. Years ago, I would make a weeks worth of meals in one sitting, putting half in the fridge and the other half in the freezer. It worked wonders and saved me time when I was busy gaming. If you want it even more specific, put each meal in a separate container per day.

I don’t want to make my own food.

Any big change in health requires doing things that will not be easy to do. Otherwise, it wouldn’t require a change to begin with. But still, some times we simply do not want to spend the time to make our own food. I mean, some of us gamers, game all day! So, what is a healthy solution?

This is a hard one and there are no simple solutions. You can eat fruit meals with minimum fuss and preparation, but this is considered an extreme diet and while I have loved it, it is a hard adjustment. Other healthier options include that you buy healthy pre-made food, order food delivery, or have someone else make the food for you (hint hint).

Bottom line, if you don’t want to prepare and make your own food, you are limiting your options to eat healthy. Relying on fast processed foods, ordering from restaurants, or snacks is a recipe for poor health.

pixelated frozen dinner crap
Crap food.

This is a you journey, and a you thing, and it is up to you to take care of your own health. You are on this blog for a reason, and this is just one of the many things to overcome in order to take care of you and your health.

Your only excuse, really, is if you can’t cook, or don’t know how.

I don’t know how to make my own food.

Realizing that you don’t know how to make your own food is the first step to making change, right? I, unfortunately, am not here to teach you how to make your own food. In fact, if you can’t, maybe I should change this post into a 4+2 healthiest eating tips for gamers. It is important!

You are a gamer. It is likely you have gone through in-game tutorials your whole gamer life. You may watch Twitch streamers sometimes to learn a technique, and you probably watch YouTube for guides, tips and tricks. Food preparation and cooking is no different.

Here is nice starter how-to site, Cooking Class: Fundamental Techniques, and the Cooking for Beginners subreddit.

You don’t have to be a chef, and cooking your own food can be simple. One thing I do, is I take my vegetables and cook them how I see fit that session. I cook also rice, usually brown, and combine them both. I add whatever sauce I decide or season it myself. Trial and error.

Starting there can add variation after variation of easy to prepare and make, healthy meals. For desert, add some fresh in-season fruit. Under 30 minutes, simple, and healthy. Wait, do you know how to eat healthy?

Eating Tips for Gamers #4: Eat Healthy

So, why on earth would I include eating healthy as one of the healthiest eating tips for gamers? Because it is the most VITAL tip I can give! Many people don’t know how to eat healthy, and many define eating healthy differently. And while I will go into major detail at another time as to my eccentric thesis on a healthy diet, allow me to grant a cliff notes version here.

Eating tips for gamers 4: eat healthy, eat veggies and fruits

There are many ways in which you can choose to eat healthy. I suggest just sticking as close to only natural and whole foods as possible. But I also want to encourage you to figure out how to eat healthy on your own. So, I am giving you a tool to make it easier.

As highlighted in my free eBook, which you can get through that link ot at the end of this article (wink), everything we eat has a nutrient to calorie ratio. This is an important and neglected aspect of food knowledge that can help us in making healthy food choices. Let’s break it down.

nutrient to calorie ratio

On google, a nutrient is defined as a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life. A calorie is defined as the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C.

I like to think of a calorie as a unit of energy from food that contains an amount of nutrients (hopefully). The ratio is simply how many nutrients per calorie one can get in that food. But you have to define what nutrients you want to count.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. Everything we eat has different nutrients. Some foods are far more healthy than others. You will see most foods nutrition content to calorie easily if you check out its nutrition facts on the label or online. In time, you will simply get a feel if what you eat is healthy or not compared to its calorie output. That’s the point.

Below I will compare two foods from separate ends of the spectrum of health to show the nutrient to calorie ratio in effect. It’s sometimes best to compare, especially once you get a good knowledge of food nutrition. We will use the normal 2000 calorie diet specification.

Which is more healthy, kale or Cheetos?

The first is kale, everyone’s favorite bitter leaf of nutrition. A chopped cup of Kale gives us 34 calories, 7g of carbs, 3g of fiber, 1g of fat, 3g of protein, and 29mg of sodium, and a huge amount of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, C, K. It’s nutrient to calorie ratio is high.

Second, a small 1 oz. bag of Cheetos, has 160 calories, 16 of carbs, <1g of fiber, 10g of fat, 2g of protein, and 300mg of sodium. It does not contain much else. It’s nutrient to calorie ratio is low.

All of this is rounded, by the way, and I don’t list everything, just the bigger %. So, to compare the two, green vs orange, check out this table:

Kale vs CheetosKale
1 Cup
1oz Bag
Carbs (g)72%166%
Fiber (g)35%<13%
Fat (g)11%1013%
Protein (g)32
Sodium (mg)291%30013%
Vitamin A (IU)10302206%00%
Vitamin C (mg)80134%00%
Vitamin K (mcg)547684%00%

As you can see, each foods nutrition content in comparison to its calorie total is clear. I’ll compare the two directly for more clarity.

kale vs cheetos
Which has more nutrition per calorie?

You would have to eat almost 5 cups of kale in order to get the total 160 calories that 1 small bag of Cheetos has. But if you multiply the already high amount of nutrients that kale provides times 5, you should see the true health comparison when choosing what to eat.

It won’t taste as good as Cheetos. 5 cups of kale is a huge bad tasting salad. It will take a while to eat, but you will be overdosing on natural nutrients, and full of food. Your poop will even likely be green.

Suffice to say, every food has this nutrient to calorie ratio and if you choose what to eat with this in mind, you should see what foods are a better choice. Sometimes by a landslide.

I’m NOT eating kale as a meal

No one expects you to eat kale as a meal. What’s important is to know the difference in eating something nutritious as opposed to not nutritious. You must inform yourself.

You could just as easily compare a normal salad to a cookie, or even a darker green leaf salad to a lighter green leaf salad. And many gamers don’t eat salad! More practically would be something like fried chicken compared to grilled chicken.

You must research what you eat or you will suffer the consequences. At least until you learn about your food. You are what you…ATE.

A more direct example: a long time ago in a place not so far away, I was eating a pretty healthy diet, according to my own opinions at the time. Yet, even as I was increasing my exercise, I was GAINING weight.

I couldn’t figure it out, so I made a list of everything I was eating for a week. What I realized is that when I would get home from work, I would oftentimes snack on corn chips with hummus or salsa while watching T.V.

I was adding at least 1,000 calories of no nutrition to my daily intake of food.

chips and salsa pixelated
1000+ calories in the bank!

This was no meal, it was a snack; comfort food if you will. The second problem was I was uninformed. I had no idea the calorie content of the chips. Sure, hummus and salsa have some nutrition, but the chips, the CHIPS! They were not helping me be healthy. They were causing me to gain weight.

So, I replaced the chips with raw vegetables like carrots, broccoli, or cauliflower, but kept the hummus and salsa. Within weeks that added weight was gone and the rest began reducing. Amazing right? All because of some dang chips and my ignorance.

Wasn’t this section about how to eat healthy?

Yes! And it is! Out of all 4 + 1 eating tips for gamers, this is most important. Hopefully it will be easy now that you understand the nutrient to calorie ratio.

But for those that don’t want to spend any time with calculators or dieting plans, I have THE solution to healthy eating. And it’s been backed up by just about every science, including evolutionary biology. In fact, I have never heard of it being wrong.

The way you maximize your health is to simply eat as natural as possible.

This includes eating as many raw fruits and vegetables as you possibly can, most whole foods, and as little fake foods as possible. In other words, nothing exciting, just the good old boring stuff we have eaten as humans for 99.9% of our entire species existence.

Yes, it is fine to cook your veggies. Fruit is amazing and often neglected due to the idea that their simple sugars are to be feared. I promise, the fiber in fruit is there for a reason as I mentioned earlier.

pixelated chicken
Bone required.

If you are a meat eater, try to stick with meat from the bone, nothing processed. If you eat chicken, it is best that you eat from one bird, and not a combination of 30 with chemicals, massive sodium, and nitrates added to the nuggets or flavored patty. This applies to all meats. Keep the Junkenstein creations out of your diets.

You want to stay away from most refined processed foods, if possible, as they once again have very little nutritional value compared to their massive amounts of calories.

Milk fits in here, too. Though it’s good tasting and in oh so many things, I don’t see a health benefit in drinking milk or most milk products. I don’t condemn it, but I don’t approve of it either. This is your life so it is up to you. 

Regarding specific diets, this is a you thing, too. Many diets can work but many are quite restrictive. According to much I have read, restrictions don’t work that well.

Detailed opinion on diets is past the scope of this article, and is complicated, so the diet I suggest is NATURE. Stick to the foods from nature and you will likely be amazing. Not fried nature, more raw nature.

In conclusion to this section, understand the ratio, try and eat as many plants as you can, stay away from refined processed foods and eating 13 bags of Cheetos in one day, and reap the rewards of great health. 

But wait, what are you supposed to wash it down with?

Eating Tips for Gamers +1: Do Not Drink Soda Or Juice!

I told you if you acted now you would get a bonus tip and it is a huge bummer. I’m sorry, but as the fifth of the eating tips for you gamers, it’s time to talk soda and juice.

I hate keeping drinks separate from food talk in general. But while both go hand in hand, literally, drinks are quite separate. We do drink when we are not hungry, after all. And for gamers, this one is crucial: if you want to be healthy, do not drink soda or juice!

eating tips for gamers +1: don't drink soda

Once again, fiber is vital to absorb simple sugars properly. Soda (pop) and juice do not have any fiber. You read the section on fiber (hopefully) and insulin spiking; this is not good.

On top of that, if it’s sweet, it’s calories. And though juices have some nutrition, what they do to us is not in the best interest of our health. The amount of nutrients simply do not offset the calories they contain. Which brings us straight to soda.

Soda is the single worst thing we humans drink regarding health. Soft drinks give us nothing but problems.

1 can of Coke is 140 calories, 39g of that are sugar, 0% everything else. It’s calorie to nutrient ratio is 140 to 0. It has 45mg sodium in it, goes down fast, and has just enough kick to want to have more than one.

Plug it into the above table and compare it to the kale god, or even the Cheeto stash. There are few things we can ingest that can beat it when it comes to empty calories and nutritional lack. This goes for all sodas.

I won’t go into diet drinks here, but they are not a solution in my opinion, either. They are not simply flavored water, they are chemicals we are adding for what purpose exactly? Again, calories or not, 0 nutrition. And for the love of Bowser, treat energy drinks as the drug they are: soda with some MAJOR extra.

The one true drink, and some healthy alternatives.

There are healthy-ish options on the table to drink that aren’t the above. Booze is not one of them. Sorry Chen, but this has never helped your health. And I don’t want to get into kombucha here either so it is an ok sometimes, maybe? What is on the list is coffee, tea, and THE ONE TRUE DRINK.

water in glass pixelated

The first is if you are thirsty, the healthiest thing to drink is water. It is the one true drink. All mammals need it, and us gamers are mammals, well, most of us.

I have no qualms with coffee, though technically it is a drug. But like the above, when you start adding things like milk and sugar, suddenly your liquid wakeup becomes liquid fake up. Once again, the more you add, the more you are offsetting the calorie to nutrient ratio. Same with tea.

Tea can be highly nutritious, especially since it truly is flavored water. Only this time, the flavor is generally from leaves and other natural ingredients, hopefully. Tea gets my thumbs up, but only when you leave out any sweeteners, milk (England, etc) and limited caffeine. It’s a distant second, but a second.

My advice is to just drink water when you are thirsty, and drinking more is better than drinking less. You may even surprise yourself and realize that though you thought you were hungry, you actually were thirsty and now you are neither. BOOM hidden easter egg!

2 + 2 = 4 + 1

The 4 +1 healthiest eating tips for gamers above are a solid guideline to help in your quest for good health. Some will be easy adjustments, some not so easy.

2+2= 4+1 healthiest eating tips for gamers chalkboard pixelated

You start by eating full meals instead of snacking. This will keep you from eating more than you need to throughout the day. Try to pay attention to each bite during those meals; keeping distraction out. This way you can completely enjoy the meal and prevent yourself again from overeating.

If you get the meals ready before you start gaming, you likely will eat healthier due to less snacking and fast to cook food. Eating healthy is what this is all about. Make those meals as natural as possible. And finish it all off with water, not pop or juice. Those drinks are nothing but added calories.

All gamers need good health. It makes gaming far better. Trust me, I’m not here to steer you wrong. But this is your life, so this is your call. You can take the tips, try them out for yourself, keep what you want, and rid of what you don’t. I won’t be offended, I’m here to help.

Never take what I say or anyone says as gospel. And definitely don’t believe everything you read. Take things like this article as a suggestion and guide and figure it out for yourself. I suggest you do that in all aspects of life and health.

Game long and prosper.

For more insights and info on video game health, follow me on Twitter and also join the Mind, Body, GAMING! Facebook page .


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